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In this issue:
Work Planning and Control
Safety Today: Halloween Snack Tips for Healthy Teeth
Holiday Party in the Works!
Reminder: Public Lecture Tonight

SLAC Today

Tuesday - October 28, 2008

Work Planning and Control

(Photo - Leslie Stepanek)
Leslie Stepanek at work in Building 24. (Photo by Shawne Workman. Click for larger image.)

SLAC has undertaken a lab-wide initiative to consolidate and improve existing SLAC work planning and control processes, and hired a new program manager, Leslie Stepanek, to lead the project. The revision of the work planning and control process is intended to strengthen the practices of defining work scope, ensuring that hazards are well understood, and establishing appropriate controls before authorizing work. Based on Integrated Safety and Environmental Management System guidelines, the new process will provide a consistent and effective approach to work planning and control. Formal implementation of the process will start in February 2009.

In the revised process, work will be designated as green, yellow or red, with red work representing the most complex tasks. Green work includes those activities commonly performed by the public, where the hazards are well understood and the likelihood of injury is low. Green work activities, such as using a microscope, climbing stairs and working in an office, do not require specific Environment, Safety and Health training. Some yellow work and all red work will require notification to building or area managers, who grant a release to proceed once area hazards and coordination activities are addressed. Once a year, as before, supervisors will be expected to discuss the general nature of work assigned, hazards and controls associated with that work, and training requirements..  Read more...

(Column - Safety Today)

Halloween Snack Tips for Healthy Teeth

Before you start munching on a snack, ask yourself what's in the food you've chosen. Is it loaded with sugar? If it is, another choice might be better for your teeth.

That said, certain kinds of sweets can do more damage than others. Gooey or chewy sweets stick to the surface of your teeth. Because sticky snacks stay in your mouth longer than other foods, they give your teeth a longer sugar bath.

Also consider when and how often you eat snacks. Do you nibble on sugary snacks many times throughout the day, or do you usually just have dessert after dinner? Damaging acids form in your mouth every time you eat a sugary snack. The acids continue to affect your teeth for at least 20 minutes before they are neutralized. So, the more times you eat sugary snacks, the more often you feed bacteria the fuel they need to cause tooth decay.

When you're deciding about snacks, think about:

―the number of times a day you eat sugary snacks

―how long the sugary food stays in your mouth

―the texture of the sugary food (chewy? sticky?)

Read more from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research...

Holiday Party in the Works!

(Photo - SLAC Holiday party 2007)
SLAC holiday party 2007.

The SLAC holiday party, scheduled for December 17th, is in the planning stages. The planning committee needs volunteer elves for decorating ideas, drawings and prize suggestions/donations. As usual, it promises to be chaotic, fun and exciting as we volunteers decide what will make this year's holiday celebration the best.

Please contact Barry Webb (x2354) for more details and to volunteer.

Public Lecture Tonight

Don't miss tonight's free public lecture, "Antimatter: What Is It and Where Did It Go? Lessons from the SLAC B Factory and This Year's Nobel Prize." Come learn what is known about why is the universe made up of matter rather than antimatter, and how the SLAC B Factory helped to answer this question.

The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Panofsky Auditorium. Refreshments will follow. For more information, see the public lecture Web page.


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