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In this issue:
Dark Matter Burners
New Art Exhibit in the Research Office Building
Safety Today: Air Pollution's Effects
SLAC Library Re-Opens in Building 50

SLAC Today

Tuesday - July 15, 2008

Image: Hubble Deep Field
One of the reasons we can see so far across the universe could be the ionizing power of dark matter burning stars. (Hubble deep field image courtesy of NASA/ESA/S. Beckwith(STScI) and the HUDF Team.)

Dark Matter Burners

Like fishermen of the deep universe, population III stars cast their nets into a sea of dark matter and catch weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS) to live on. Researchers at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at SLAC are exploring the life and evolution of these stars and have released their work in a paper that recently appeared on arXiv. The researchers found that these dark matter burning stars contributed to a great change in the universe in a different way than their non-dark matter burning relatives.

Ancient population III stars may have captured dark matter and "burned" it as fuel. WIMPS—the prime particle candidates for dark matter—scatter off of the gas particles of a star, causing them to sink to the center, where they release energy. This energy can partly or completely replace the fusion that normally burns inside the star. The particles that the WIMPS scatter off of and the radius of the star create a cross section like the knots in a net: if the knots are too far apart, the dark matter particles will slip through. But a small enough cross section weaves a net that scoops up WIMPS to fuel the star for orders of magnitude longer than it would otherwise live.  Read more...

New Art Exhibit in the Research Office Building

This photo of Sarp Kaya at SSRL beam line 5-2 is one of many currently displayed in the ROB.
(Image courtesy of Peter Ginter.)

Beginning today, visitors to the Research Office Building (ROB) will be surrounded by the photography of Peter Ginter. The German photographer's work will hang in the second-floor atrium area for the next three months.  Read more...


(Column - Safety Today)

Air Pollution's Effects

A growing number of Americans are sniffling and suffering with allergies and asthma. Several studies have shown that air pollution and indoor allergens make asthma symptoms worse and can bring on an asthma attack. If you're one of the 23 million Americans who suffer from asthma, you might get some relief by taking steps to reduce indoor allergen levels and modifying your lifestyle to avoid the ill effects of air pollution.

Asthma is caused by swelling and inflammation of your airways. When the airways narrow, less air gets through to your lungs, causing wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and trouble breathing.

Read more in NIH News in Health...

SLAC Library
Re-Opens in Building 50

(Photo - Library)
Summer student David Tang catches up on his reading in the library's new digs, located in Building 50.
(Click image to enlarge.)

The SLAC library is again open for business! And although it has changed location, its services haven't changed.

Over the past two weeks, thousands of books and journals were transferred out of Building 40 to allow renovations. The library's new public space is located in the lobby of Building 50 (the Computing Building), just across Loop Road from Building 40. In the new location, the library staff still offers reference research, bibliography and citation lists for CVs and the retrieval of journal articles and books—all of the services available at the former location.

Some of the most heavily-used library books are available on the shelves in the new space. Other SLAC-owned books can be retrieved from offsite storage within 24 hours. The library staff will also have new books on display and is happy to take your suggestions or requests for the purchase of new materials.

Computer terminals, a color printer, copier and scanner, tables, study carrels and a comfortable reading area will be available, as will the daily newspapers. As always, the latest journal issues will be on display and the library will keep back issues of journals.

The library staff looks forward to seeing you in the new location!

SLAC Name Change

  • Members of the SLAC community can share their comments and suggestions about the plans for a new name for SLAC here:


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