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In this issue:
Building 40 to be Renovated for PULSE Center
Safety Today: It's Time to Replace Smoke Alarm Batteries
BeWell Program to Hold SHALA Interpretation Workshop at SLAC
SLAC to Host Job Fair
Coping with Organization Change

SLAC Today

Tuesday - March 11, 2008

Building 40 to be Renovated for PULSE Center

(Photo - Building 40)
SLAC's Central Laboratory (Building 40)

Conceptual renovation plans have just become concrete. A project to renovate part of the Central Laboratory (Building 40) for the Photon Ultrafast Laser Science and Engineering (PULSE) center has been approved and funded by the Department of Energy.

The offices, labs and machine shops currently occupying the two-story wing of Building 40 will be relocated over the coming months to make way for renovations. The move will include the library and InfoMedia Solutions, which will continue to offer services in their new spaces.

The scope of renovations includes refurbishment of existing offices and laboratories, resulting in laser and molecular biology laboratories, offices for faculty members and a conference room.

"The work is not going to change the building structurally," said Project Manager David Rich, "but it will be a major interior renovation."

The renovation project's management team has worked with PULSE Director Philip Bucksbaum and the PULSE staff for over a year to establish user requirements for the facility. Now that the DOE has granted Critical Design 1 (CD-1) for the project, SLAC procurement will search out and hire an architecture and engineering firm to develop a detailed preliminary design.

"This renovation will update the services, as well as create safe environments for modern laser research," said PULSE Director Philip Bucksbaum. "These laboratories will give SLAC vital new research capabilities in ultrafast laser physics, chemistry and biology."

The first wave of renovations is scheduled to begin in May, with the renovation of the facility expected to be completed by the end of 2010.

(Column - Safety Today)

SHALA Interpretation Workshop to be Held Today at SLAC

(Logo - BeWell)In January, Stanford launched a new three-step faculty and staff program that offers incentives for learning about fitness. The first step in the "BeWell" program is to take a health and lifestyle assessment online and receive a $150 cash reward. The next step involves a free session to interpret the results. The third step is to put the plan into action by creating a wellness plan based on those results and enrolling in health-related classes and activities offered on campus at a reduced rate.

To make the second step as simple and easy as possible for SLAC employees, the BeWell program will offer a one-hour on-site interpretation class at 12:00 p.m. today in Panofsky Auditorium. To prepare for this class, simply fill out the Stanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment (SHALA) and then sign up for today's interpretation session.

Faculty and staff who complete the SHALA and attend an interpretation session may sign up for a free fitness assessment and/or two free personal training sessions. In the spring quarter, most activities under the HIP heading "Fitness Classes" will be offered for a reduced fee of $20 for those who complete steps 1 and 2. Employees will be able to use STAP funds for many of the classes that fall under the category "Healthy Living."
Learn more...

It's Time to Replace Smoke Alarm Batteries

Daylight Saving Time provides a convenient reminder for people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors.

Smoke alarms are proven life savers. There are more than 300,000 residential fires every year, so when there is a fire, smoke alarms buy families valuable escape time.

Read more on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's website...

SLAC to Host Job Fair

Tomorrow afternoon, SLAC will host a job fair to assist laid off employees in their pursuit of employment opportunities. During this event, tables will be set up in the Panofsky Auditorium Breezeway for participating companies to display their company information and job listings, and to meet face-to-face with potential applicants. A separate area will be set up in Panofsky Auditorium for one-on-one interviews.

Attendees are asked to bring multiple copies of their resumes.

The job fair will take place on Wednesday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Panofsky Auditorium Breezeway. Light refreshments will be provided.

Coping with Organization Change

Rosan Gomperts, Director of the Faculty Staff Help Center, will once again offer "Coping with Organization Change" today at both 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the Orange Room. The last session, which took place on March 5, was well received and many attendees walked away with tips and exercises to help reduce stress during workplace transitions. Gomperts also discussed what to expect emotionally and physically, how to protect work relationships and environments through the changes, and how to practice self-care.

Employees may also sign up for one-on-one sessions for private consultation through the Stanford Faculty and Staff Help Center. Office hours at SLAC are all day on Tuesdays and on Thursday mornings for private consultation. To make an appointment for an individual session at SLAC, please call the medical department at x2281. If you would like to be seen away from SLAC, please call the main Help Center at 723-4577.


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