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In this issue:
Wind vs. Biofuels: Addressing Climate, Health and Energy
Meet SLAC's A.M. Security Guards
Seeking Applications for Pope Summer Fellowship

SLAC Today

Friday - January 26, 2007

Wind vs. Biofuels: Addressing Climate, Health and Energy

(Image - Colloquium Speaker)
Mark Jacobson, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford. (Image courtesy of the Stanford Report.)

The favored approach for addressing global warming today is to promote a variety of options: biofuels, wind, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, geothermal, hydroelectric, and nuclear energy and to improve efficiency. Yet the greatest emphasis, by far, has been on biofuels.

"The push for biofuels is mostly driven by lobbyists, who are interested in a new market for fuels and less in remediating air pollution," Stanford civil and environmental engineering Associate Professor Mark Jacobson said.

In next week's colloquium, Jacobson will explain why today's biofuels cannot address global warming and may in fact increase death and illness due to ozone-related air pollution. Future biofuels may theoretically slow global warming, but only temporarily and with the cost of increased air pollution mortality. In both cases, the land required renders biofuels an impractical solution.  Read more...

The colloquium takes place on Monday, January 29, at 4:15 p.m. in Panofsky Auditorium.

Meet SLAC's
A.M. Security Guards

(Photo - Roshell Reed)
Morning guard Roshell Reed greets a driver at the security gate.

While many of us lie bundled in our beds, the morning main gate security guards are already warming their post. And even though we drive past them every day, their various duties can go unnoticed.

"Some people don't realize what we do every day—that we do more than check IDs," morning guard Riffi Khaliq said.

Along with partner Lehman Worrell or Rushell Reed, Khaliq reports to work by 6:00 a.m. each morning to relieve the guards who worked since 10:00 p.m. the night before. From the moment they arrive until their day ends, the guards balance responsibilities to ensure that anyone who needs help can receive it.

"I like doing different things all of the time," Khaliq said. "That's part of why I like my job so much."

Monitoring emergencies is of utmost importance at SLAC. The mild-mannered guards are not trained gunslingers or experts in martial arts, but their incident response is tops.  Read more...

Seeking Applications for
Pope Summer Fellowship

SLAC is pleased to announce the availability of the annual Katherine E. Pope Summer Fellowship. The Fellowship was established to remember the life of Katherine E. Pope, an undergraduate student at Smith College in Massachusetts, who was working at SLAC when she was tragically killed in July 2001 as she rode a bicycle to work.

Pope was a young renaissance woman with a fascination not only for physics but also for history, art and animals. Her warm personality and sense of humor made her an excellent colleague. Even as an undergraduate, she had earned her place on the publication list for one of SLAC's experiments.

This fellowship honors Katherine Pope and encourages other undergraduates with an interest in science, especially physics, to pursue their academic interest at SLAC. The Pope Summer Fellowship will provide round trip transportation between the recipient's home and SLAC, a $500 per week stipend, and lodging for the time of the appointment.

Applications must be postmarked no later than March 9, 2007. With the recent emphasis on the protection of Personally Identifiable Information, online submission is no longer available; applications must now be either mailed or faxed to SLAC.

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