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July Milestones


Service Awards

Name Department Years
Zohrab M. Vassilian BaBar Collaboration    40
Harvey L. Lynch PPA Directorate Office    35
Roger A. Erickson LCLS AS Operations    30
Gordon Sausa MFD Precision Assembly    25
Gregorio B. Dalit Jr. Klystron Microwave E and M    25
Martin E. Nordby PPA Mechanical Engineer    25
Richard F. Boyce LCLS EP Engineering    25
Clifton Rogers Power Conversion Engineering    20
Jeffery E. Brown Controls Safety Systems    20
Linda E. Sewell Mechanical Design    20
Stephanie A. Allison SSRL ASD Controls    20
Alden R. Owens Klystron Microwave E and M    15
Charles McKenzie Jr. FAC High Volt    15
Frank G. O'Neill PPA Saftey    15
Genedina N. Villaruel OCFO Accounting    15
Hans-Ulrich Wienands LCLS Administration    15
Leonid Sapozhnikoy PPA Elec & SW Eng    15
Michael H. Zurawel LCLS AS Tech Mgmt    15
Patrick A. Bong Controls Saftey Systems    15
Pezhman Boussina SSRL ASD Operations    15
Amy L. Rutherford PSD DIrector's Office    10
Armin Busse Beam Line Development    10
Ashley M. Deacon Jt Ctr Structural Genomics    10
Carol A. Morris ES&H Radiation Protection    10
J. Brian Langton LCLS EP Engineering    10
Scott E. McPhillips SMB Research    10
Andre McCollough PCD Engineering Sys     5
Jerry G. Pfefferkorn FAC Saftey Oversight     5
Robert B. Zingsheim FAC HVAC     5

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