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SULI Mentors Needed

(Photo - SULI Students) The Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program is looking for SLAC mentors to share the excitement of their research with undergraduates interested in science and engineering careers. SULI is a DOE science education program that takes place at many of the national labs each summer.

"Students often come from situations where they don't normally get to do research, so they're keen," said KIPAC's Phil Marshall. "As a consequence, you do get useful results out of them." Marshall recently won a DOE mentor award for his work with three SULI students over the past year. One of the students published work in the DOE Journal of Undergraduate Research and another gave a poster presentation at a major conference.

"Working with a student on a fun exploratory project is a very nice way to spend the summer," said Marshall, adding that having a student tidy up a project that should have been finished long ago was also a good use of the student's time.

Because the program lasts just eight weeks, the project can be small. Students fit well in groups with graduate students and postdocs who can play a supervisory role.

The SULI selection and placement committee is currently recruiting mentors for this summer in the following areas: accelerator physics, particle physics, particle astrophysics, photon science, computer science and engineering. Potential mentors can review student applications and references online and request particular students.

If you would like to join in the summer fun, contact SULI program manager Mike Woods or any member of the committee: Pauline Wethington, Jochen Dingfelder, Greg Madejski, Anders Nilsson or Al Baker.

SLAC SULI webpage
DOE SULI webpage

—Heather Rock Woods
    SLAC Today, March 16, 2006