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Change to SLAC Telephone Dialing

A special prefix code is used to access calling features on SLAC's telephone system. On the morning of Monday, April 30, the code will be changed from '6' to '636'. This change is necessary so that we can begin using a new block of telephone numbers obtained from AT&T to accommodate our growing number of telephone users.

All SLAC telephone Area Telecommunications Office Motivators (ATOMs) were notified of this change at the beginning of March. Based on feedback we have received, we expect the change to affect a very small percentage of all SLAC telephone users. However, only you, the individual user, know for certain if you use any of these features. Please keep reading to see if this change affects you.

The change will not affect users of multi-line digital telephones who use only the pre-programmed keys on their phones.

The change will affect single-line analog telephone users who perform any of the following functions:
* Pickup (dial 63 to answer a ringing phone from another phone in the area)
* Ring Again (61, automatically call someone when their line becomes free)
* Cancel Ring Again (62)
* Park (671, park a call on an extension, so it can be picked up from another phone)
* Retrieve park (672)

The change will also affect anyone who uses the following features from a rotary phone (primarily in the tunnels):
* any of the above features
* Call Hold (677)
* Call Forward (674)

If you use any of the above features, put a reminder on your calendar for April 30. See the webpage for instructions on how to use the features after the change. Users who have programmed any of the affected features onto buttons on their single-line phones will need to reprogram those buttons after the prefix change. Additional details on how to do this will be available in the SLAC Telephone Users' Guide on April 30. You can preview the new instructions here.

—Brenda Eberle, SLAC Today, April 23, 2007